Big Red Button: A Fallout Podcast

Pressing The Button | Reviewing Amazon Prime's "Fallout" | Episode 2

The Grapefruit Network Season 1 Episode 9

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Welcome back to the Big Red Button, that show your friend won't stop talking about!

We're continuing our segment, "Pressing the Button," where we dissect the Amazon Prime TV show, Fallout, episode by episode. This week, we tackled Season 1 Episode 2!

Episode two picks up right where we left off, weaving the intricate tales of our protagonists in the post-apocalyptic setting that Fallout fans adore. The episode does a fantastic job of intertwining the lives of Lucy the now-kinda-daunted Vault Dweller, Maximus the Brotherhood initiate, the scientist Wilzig, and the mysterious Ghoul, played by Walton Goggins, whose performance continues to steal the show.

00:02:19) - Non-spoiler discussion begins
(00:03:04) - Ratings and initial thoughts on the episode
(00:13:41) - Spoiler discussion begins
(00:14:36) - Detailed breakdown of episode events and character actions
(00:20:53) - Analysis of character motivations and plot implications
(00:36:16) - Character development and thematic exploration
(00:47:09) - Final thoughts on the episode and series direction

Character Development and World Building

The episode excels in character development, especially with Lucy and Maximus. Lucy's naive approach to the harsh realities of the wasteland provides not only moments of humor but also growth as she begins to understand the gravity of her surroundings. Meanwhile, Maximus's journey in the Brotherhood of Steel introduces us to the internal conflicts and politics of the organization, adding depth to what might seem like a monolithic entity.

The Bigger Picture

As the episode concludes, we're left with more questions than answers, setting up a narrative that promises even more twists and turns. The showrunners have done a fantastic job of keeping the viewers on their toes, much like the unpredictable world of Fallout itself.

Final Thoughts

Overall, episode two of Fallout on Amazon Prime is a masterclass in adaptation. It captures the essence of the games while forging its own path in the television landscape. The episode earns a solid 8.5 out of 10 for its impeccable blend of action

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Alex [0:15 - 1:10]: In the case of nuclear or radiological fallout, people living around potential targets, you shouldn't leave your shelter until officials say so. This is the emergency broadcast system. This is not a test. Repeat, this is not a test. Citizens are advised to take the following steps. Stay alert to news media events or local emergency alert notifications. Welcome back to the Big Red Button podcast. We're your hosts, Alex and Dallas. How's it going, Dallas? 

Dallas [1:10 - 1:12]: It's going fantastic. How are you doing? 

Alex [1:12 - 2:15]: I can't complain. We are continuing our side series side segment called pressing the Button, where we are breaking down the fallout. Amazon prime tv show, episode by episode. If this is your first time here, just know that this is a supplement to our main show where we do an actual play audio drama, living in the world of fallout. So this isn't the same show that you're getting every week. This is an addition to it. So tune in either last week if you're a time traveler, or tune in next week to hear our main content. But in the spirit of breaking down episode by episode, the last pressing the button, we did episode one of the show. We are now doing episode two because this is how tv shows work. You watch episode one, then you watch episode two, then you watch episode seven, then you go back to four and. Wait, no, that's the machete order from Star wars. Right, exactly. Yeah. No, that's. That's a weird way to do it, isn't it? It sounds weird when I say it out loud. 

Dallas [2:17 - 2:19]: So what we like to do is. 

Alex [2:19 - 2:55]: We do a non spoiler start. We'll take a break and come back with a spoiler warning. So in case you haven't seen episode two already, we're not gonna ruin everything, but we are going to do a non spoiler, and then we will spoil the snot out of the rest of the episode later on. You have been warned, but we will warn you in advance of when the actual spoilers are coming on. So, Dallas, just like last time, give me your numerical grade. One being dog water and ten being dog meat. Great. See what I did there? 

Dallas [2:55 - 2:59]: Yeah, that was really good. What? 

Alex [2:59 - 3:01]: And. And this is also in a vacuum. 

Dallas [3:01 - 3:02]: In a vacuum? 

Alex [3:03 - 3:03]: Yes. 

Dallas [3:04 - 3:12]: I think in a vacuum. This one gets eight. 8.5 for me there. 

Alex [3:12 - 3:14]: It was solid the whole way through. 

Dallas [3:15 - 3:39]: Yeah, I didn't have, like, gun punchy or, like, riding high, high moments. Yeah, but it was solid the whole way through. So that's why it's. It's better than the last episode. Yes, but it isn't going into the halls of best episode ever of a show, but it was fantastic the whole way through. Like, for me, eight. 8.5 is amazing. 

Alex [3:39 - 3:51]: Right? You are. And like we said the last time, you are well known for just throwing out tens willy nilly. So always an eight is just a slap in the face. No, that's high. That's high praise for Dallas. 

Dallas [3:51 - 3:55]: The bottom of mine ends at 7.5. That's my one. 

Alex [3:55 - 3:55]: Wow. 

Dallas [3:55 - 3:56]: Really? 

Alex [3:56 - 5:18]: No, I don't give that. I use my full range for a reason. There's a reason it goes one to ten. It's a straight line. It's not an exponential curve where it's like, oh, seven shoes. No, no, I can. Yeah, it's an actual regular, just straight line. I give this an eight. And not because it's the same as episode one. I just think they have different merits as episodes. Where I go, okay, the first episode had to lay the foundation for the entire franchise. And for the entire show, episode two needed to lay the foundation for the stakes. Yes. And that is really hard to do. Like, all right, you've given us some of the world building now. All right, what's it actually going to be? You know, like, what's actually going to happen that's going to push the story forward? So it had its own struggles of continuing to propel this story along. Yeah. So eight for me, which combined, we now have an 8.25, which is higher than our first episode. So, yeah, I think there's a lot of good stuff here in this episode. We've got some great cameos for folks who are coming in. Yeah, we have some really good action. 

Dallas [5:18 - 5:19]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [5:19 - 6:04]: I will say, I think maybe the reason my rating is a little tempered is because I am a masochist in the sense that when something is coming up, like a movie or a tv show like this, I want to watch all of the content that's available beforehand. Like, I just want to know everything. There were a few scenes later on in the, in the episode that's like, oh, maybe, maybe I shouldn't have watched that, that preview, that two minute preview or that three minute preview that Amazon prime put out. Like, okay, that kind of took the, took the wind out of my sails a little bit. Like, that's how Allie, my wife, is with, you know, trailers. She doesn't even want to watch a trailer. 

Dallas [6:04 - 6:06]: Like, oh, no kidding. 

Alex [6:06 - 6:34]: Yeah, she got, she got mad at me because there was a singular line in the trailer that was spoiled for her and she was like, this is why I don't watch trailers. So for me, it didn't like, maybe. Maybe I shouldn't have watched the two or three minute preview that they put out. But gosh darn it if it's not an amazing episode, like, oh, yeah, so good. So good. 

Dallas [6:34 - 6:37]: It's chunked like the first one is. 

Alex [6:37 - 6:38]: Yeah. 

Dallas [6:38 - 6:51]: Not as on the nose of like, here's a name of a character and then we're gonna do a thing, but it's still very much there. But they do. The story's moving now, which is really nice. 

Alex [6:51 - 6:52]: Yeah. 

Dallas [6:52 - 7:15]: That, the, the problem I had with the first episode of like, I don't. I still don't know what's going on from start to finish. You're starting to get a little bit more fed into explaining things, where things are going and a lot of character development while there's action going on, while there's storytelling going on. 

Alex [7:15 - 7:17]: You get the best of both worlds in this one. 

Dallas [7:17 - 7:24]: There's still a. You're given a thing, but not the why. And I'm assuming that that will pay off later. 

Alex [7:24 - 8:06]: And it does. It does. Having seen the whole show at this point, everything that happens in here continues to be given wise. And obviously there are still overarching mysteries that don't have an answer because that's the reason that season two is going to exist. But there's still mysteries of fallout that haven't been answered. People are going back to fallout three and noticing a logo from somebody on a non descript or on an object. Oh, there's implications here, you know, so, I mean, the entire franchise is riddled with mysteries that are continuing to be explored. 

Dallas [8:06 - 8:13]: So, yeah, these are on purpose. They're not just lazy storytelling wise, they are intentional, which is nice. Yeah. 

Alex [8:14 - 9:12]: I think what's really great about this episode is it shows us the rest of the world and how it exists as society. Like in fallout four, you go into, um, Diamond City. Diamond City is, you know, a whole community built inside once great Fenway park or currently. Currently great Fenway Park, I should say, as a Red Sox fan. And it's always going to be great. Uh, yeah. Who. Who am I kidding? So it's. It's interesting seeing that in real life, like the shanty town being built out and how does society continue to thrive seeing more of the world? How do they respond to threats? How do they respond to people who are very privileged? And so it definitely. It's fun to see that dynamic explored in this episode. 

Dallas [9:12 - 9:12]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [9:12 - 9:13]: Yeah. 

Dallas [9:13 - 9:31]: Because I wondered in the last one, like, how are people going to respond to big blue jumpsuit walking around now? And because in. In the games, that doesn't get addressed a lot, you know? 

Alex [9:31 - 9:32]: Yeah, you're. 

Dallas [9:32 - 9:35]: They're not super, like, pushbackish against you. 

Alex [9:35 - 9:37]: Like, ugh, what a pansy. 

Dallas [9:37 - 9:38]: Like, you just can't. 

Alex [9:38 - 10:07]: A lot of times, they even treat you with, like, a level of reverence of, like, yeah. Oh, you were a vault dweller. Wow. What was that like? That is. And I think it's for the best. Like, I think that's how more people would actually respond in these kinds of scenarios. Like, oh, really? You're going to come out here and tell us how to run the world? Well, we've been running the world while you guys have been hiding, right? Yeah. 

Dallas [10:08 - 10:09]: I thought they did a good job. 

Alex [10:10 - 10:11]: Yeah, that for sure. 

Dallas [10:11 - 10:23]: Now, the CGI, I I did see some flatness in one particular part, but the rest of it was, if you're. 

Alex [10:23 - 10:34]: Gonna have that kind of. If you can watch with that fine tooth of a cone, that's a good problem to have. You know, like, oh, really? That is. 

Dallas [10:34 - 10:56]: You know, there's a scene with a vertibird that I was like, this one maybe isn't as layered as. As the last episode, but still is fantastic because I was like, well, first off, I could not do better. And second, I don't know how you could have done this better, you know, with the shot that they were going for without actually building one and flying it in real life. 

Alex [10:56 - 11:11]: And I know it, so I know what you're talking about. And I'll rail on it a little bit in. In the spoiler section. But any other non spoiler thoughts before we dive into the meat and potatoes of this episode? 

Dallas [11:11 - 11:14]: No, because there's a lot to unpack in this one. 

Alex [11:14 - 12:03]: All right, well, everyone head to your underground bunkers and batten down the hatches. Dallas and I are about to spoil this episode. We're going to take a break, and when we come back, be ready for the fallout. That's right. This episode is brought to you by our friends at Truvault Escapades. You got a name, Miss Bunny? Detective. You can call me Bunny. When a wasteland detective and a vault girl cross paths, no criminal is safe. They're both under arrest. Don't move a muscle if you know what's good for you. Based in Bethesda's fallout series, follow Walter and Bunny as they traverse the Texas commonwealth and new Vegas, busting big crowd. Crime rings. Put that sucker in the ground. 

Dallas [12:03 - 12:07]: We'll need all we can to expand into Vegas territory. 

Alex [12:08 - 12:26]: Education is key, detectives, and surviving anything the wasteland can throw at them. Race for impacts. Fire him. 

Dallas [12:27 - 12:28]: It's the Mothman. 

Alex [12:35 - 13:19]: Featuring a series of nail biting narratives and guest stars from across the fallout community. What brings you here to the tower this early? I've got a murder to solve. Hey, thanks for springing me out of that booth, Bonnie. I'd much rather be glad to hear it, Dusty. I was being sarcastic. You know, it's anybody's guess what thrilling case is up next. War never changes, does it, Bunny? No, it certainly does not. Truvault escapades. A fallout audio drama available anywhere you get podcasts. 

Dallas [13:41 - 13:54]: Welcome back. Hopefully you have crawled out of the bunker, watched episode two, and better for it. Or you've already watched it. You hung on. Hanged on, hung on. 

Alex [13:54 - 13:57]: Hunged, hung, hung Don with two o's. 

Dallas [13:57 - 14:12]: Honed Hong on. Yeah, you hung Don to this during that break because you'd already watched episode two, and you're here for it. You're ready for it to happen to you while we unpack some spoilers. 

Alex [14:13 - 14:33]: Or you went and ate some pre war cram while you crammed the episode. Ooh. Oh. On fire. With the puns. Just like, if I had been stuck outside of a vault, I would be on fire, so. Ouch. Yeah. 

Dallas [14:33 - 14:36]: So let's. Let's talk about some spoilers, please. 

Alex [14:36 - 16:04]: Yeah. Okay, so episode two. We have a lot going on. First of all, the Enclave is back. Yeah. And I personally, I posted in the fallout subreddit, and I was just asking people what are some things that they hoped they would see in the show? And I said, personally, I wanted to see more of the enclave, because it's when you're a shadowy cabal that's been pulling the strings, you're better than everybody. What is that really like? Yeah. And Cody, who is part of Big Red button, he pointed out that the entire John Wick franchise is centered around the fact and his words, that wholesale human slaughter is acceptable. When you kill a dog, you know, John wick can kill everybody because you kill a dog. The enclave is like, that's an ounce short. Kill the puppies. And you're like, oh, these guys are evil. Evil. I mean, I don't know why that's the. The preferred method to show somebody's evil. Like, you got Cruella de vil here, which I'm. I guess I'm holding this up to eye level, and then you've got the enclave, and I'm now holding my hand up way above my head. So it's like, yeah, they're not even. They're not even trying to hide the fact that these guys are not good. 

Dallas [16:05 - 16:18]: But I also like it that we have episode one where an entire vault gets slaughtered, and you're like, that's pretty bad. But then the beginning of this episode, like, puppies get killed, and you're like, these people are despicable. 

Alex [16:18 - 17:29]: Like, you want, like, raiders. I get it. I get it. We all need resources, and sometimes the only way to get it is from other people. It's not my choice. I would want to collaborate. But then you cut to this evil shadow government, and they're, you know, marching around with just big white helmets and evil scientists, and like, oh, these guys are evil. Evil God. That's a whole new level. And so I never watched person of interest. I didn't. It was just one of those shows. Again, we were talking about suits at one point offline, and suits was one of those shows that just passed me by. And then watching it, you know, you're like, oh, this show's great. I never watched person of interest. And as a big Nolan brothers fan, I feel a little ashamed of myself. But Michael Emerson, who plays the scientist, is in person of interest, and I did not know that. So that that level of the onion was not even. That was another layer that was like, oh, wow. That makes the cameo even better. 

Dallas [17:29 - 17:31]: So there's a lot of dogs going on. 

Alex [17:31 - 17:32]: Yes. 

Dallas [17:32 - 17:47]: Is this the explanation for dog meat being in every game in different places? That there are clean dogs, like, non interesting dogs being created by them? 

Alex [17:47 - 18:09]: You know what? I hadn't thought of that. And we have cats in fallout four. Yeah. The enclave is responsible for the greatest animals and. And cats. Oh, no, no, I'm kidding. I love. I love cats. Um, just not as much as dog meat. I would. Not. To be dramatic, I would die for dog meat, you know? 

Dallas [18:09 - 18:10]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [18:10 - 18:17]: When dog meat gets hurt in any of the games, I'm just like, I'm coming. I'm gonna murder everybody. And, like, that's the point. 

Dallas [18:17 - 18:22]: Like, yeah, I almost would. Don't want dog meat to fight. I want dog meat behind me, hanging out all the time. 

Alex [18:22 - 18:30]: Stay, stay. That may be the in universe rationale. 

Dallas [18:30 - 18:46]: There, because every dog that you encounter in the wild is like a mutant, hairless, mongrel kind of dog, right? Except for dogmeat. And dogmeat is in fallout three. Right. And then fallout four. There's a dog meat. 

Alex [18:47 - 18:52]: I'm fairly certain dog meat makes her very first appearance in fallout one, if I'm not mistaken. 

Dallas [18:52 - 19:02]: I think so. And they make sure to show, like, a line of them outside of these pristine dogs on the yard in episode two. 

Alex [19:02 - 20:24]: Right. So it's like you get to see idyllic enclave idea of, like, this is a dog. It should be aggressive and mean. And meanwhile, our mad scientist friend is like, I'm gonna give her a soft bed and plush animals and a treadmill. Yeah. So. And then in that scene, once he is discovered, he. It's clear he's planning some kind of escape. He takes what looks like some kind of glowing capsule, injects his neck with it, and he's planning some kind of getaway. Yeah. Why? We don't know yet. A lot of those questions are answered later on, of course, but at this point, it's that era of mystery again, where it's like, oh, what is that thing? Why does he need to get out? I know a lot of speculation before the show came out was that he was playing with the forced evolutionary virus, right? That very famous trailer scene where he's running away from the turret, that, oh, he's actually becoming a super mutant. That's why it looks weird. In reality. He's just got the highest luck in the game, apparently. That was a very interesting, very interesting getaway, I will say. 

Dallas [20:24 - 20:43]: Oh, yeah. Yeah. But I like it that he. He's that in between of. He's very privileged and shielded from the wasteland, but also in it. So he knows things because he ends up bestowing that wisdom later on, even though he's not been out there scrounging. 

Alex [20:43 - 20:43]: Right. 

Dallas [20:43 - 20:46]: He still knows he's willing to take. 

Alex [20:46 - 20:52]: One for the team. Yeah. Which we'll get to. And we're still going to spoil that too. 

Dallas [20:52 - 20:53]: Oh, absolutely. 

Alex [20:53 - 20:58]: I also loved seeing Lucy in the wasteland. 

Dallas [20:58 - 20:59]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [20:59 - 21:24]: Just blissfully unaware. It's kind of like she doesn't even have a thought in the world that something bad could be out here, right? Just sleeping out in the open, not even considering what kind of creatures could be after her or people could be after her. Just that innocence is still there, and it's so funny. The wasteland is the straight man to her innocent comedy, you know? 

Dallas [21:24 - 21:40]: Oh, yeah. But she's like, I am very adept at survival, so, you know, I made a fire out of really nothing, so I'm set. And that is actually the worst thing you could do. None of your survival knowledge that you learned in the vault applies here to. 

Alex [21:40 - 22:06]: This world, which we didn't even actually talk about it in the first breakdown of the first episode. But I love that they. They had to give an in world reason for her being the protagonist. That she's gonna survive everything. And it's like, oh, yes, I've done jiu jitsu and I've also led the survival team, you know, like, all the little side hobbies that she has. And it's like, oh, this is how she's going to, like, we're gonna video game logic our way through it. 

Dallas [22:07 - 22:09]: This is what makes her special. 

Alex [22:09 - 22:16]: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that was, that was funny to see. And then encountering our scientist and dog meat. 

Dallas [22:16 - 22:29]: Oh, yeah. And we get our first radroach. Right? That's what, yeah. And we get a little explanation of those, which is really cool because that's always like, level one bad guy you encounter in the game is a rad roach. 

Alex [22:29 - 22:33]: And she's not even prepared enough for that, you know? Yeah. 

Dallas [22:33 - 22:38]: So she doesn't even have a real gun. She has a syringer that she brought out of the vault. 

Alex [22:38 - 22:52]: Yeah. It's like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to shoot some chems at people. I'm just gonna, like, poke you with medicine and hopefully you'll be nicer to me or pass out. Like, what? No, you need a weapon. You need a weapon. 

Dallas [22:52 - 22:58]: And she drifted off to sleep. Makes sure to take her pip boy off before she drifts off to sleep. 

Alex [22:58 - 23:00]: Because you can take my watch off. 

Dallas [23:00 - 23:05]: You know, disarm yourself. Because she has no concept that the world is bad around her. 

Alex [23:05 - 23:06]: Yes. 

Dallas [23:06 - 23:06]: Yeah, yeah. 

Alex [23:07 - 23:50]: It is funny that it's just like, oh, I'm so, I'm so gung ho on saving my dad, who's been kidnapped, that she doesn't consider the other things in the world except for that one woman, Moldavor. Like, that's it. She just has a name and that's it. Then we cut to the brotherhood, back to Maximus for a little bit and see his journey. And you talked about. So he's, he's gotten his promotion. He's now a scribe. Uh, and he's not a scribe, he's a squire now. He's a squire and, you know, branded by this jerk. 

Dallas [23:50 - 23:51]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [23:51 - 24:00]: I mean, throwing his, uh, jock strap basically at him, like, clean this and like, wow. I mean, I know he's kind of dopey, right? 

Dallas [24:00 - 24:24]: Like, but I like that we have, like, another tale of a different tale of innocence, loss that he, he had this grandiose idea of the purity of the brotherhood of steel. And we go and help and change the wasteland, right? And it is crashing down around him at every turn of, like, oh, he's terrible. Oh, this is bad too. Like, none of this is what I thought it was going to be. 

Alex [24:24 - 24:34]: It just feels like hanging out with, like, a college jock. Oh, yeah. And that's rude because I know a lot of college jocks who weren't this toxic and just. 

Dallas [24:34 - 24:40]: He's the stereotype. Like, he's the epitome of the turd eighties movie. 

Alex [24:40 - 24:42]: Yes. Frat boy. 

Dallas [24:42 - 24:43]: Kind of like where it's like, I. 

Alex [24:43 - 24:48]: Want to go shoot something, and I'm like, dude, you're on a mission. Like, what are you doing? 

Dallas [24:48 - 24:55]: This was the part where I had the issue of, like, it just so happens, like, they didn't even make it to the mission location. 

Alex [24:55 - 24:58]: He's just stumbling across clues. Yeah. 

Dallas [24:58 - 25:03]: They just so happen to drop. Not on a mission. On the mission. 

Alex [25:03 - 25:10]: They aren't technically heading one area from, you know, further out and then heading in towards the town called Philly. 

Dallas [25:11 - 25:11]: Yeah. 

Alex [25:11 - 25:57]: So it would make sense that maybe you stumble across something. Right. However, the best scene as probably the best scene in this episode, in my opinion, is as Maximus. This unprotected guy just wearing, you know, just a regular wasteland suit. Yeah. Is now sent into a dark, spooky cave to investigate a loud sound while the guy wearing a multiple ton set of armor is just standing there with his gun going like, nah, you investigate it. Go on. No idea. Go on. Do my dirty work. And it's like, why? Yeah, you're an idiot. And of course, that's all in service of the, you know, it's showing that he's an idiot and. 

Dallas [25:57 - 25:57]: Right. 

Alex [25:57 - 25:58]: Yeah. 

Dallas [25:59 - 26:08]: That he's not battle hardened or like, he's not trying to teach him a lesson. It's legitimate because he doesn't want to, like, is not good at his job. 

Alex [26:08 - 26:23]: So the last breakdown episode that we, you asked the question of, like, does this get addressed? And yes is the answer then. Yes is the answer now. This is just one more really good example of, like, how far have they fallen? 

Dallas [26:23 - 26:23]: Yeah. 

Alex [26:24 - 27:13]: How is a guy wearing the most advanced piece of technology scared of the dark? Like, you have a headlamp. Yeah. Turn it on. When I was quoting that Amazon prime post that they talked about, the writers and showrunners who were very, very involved, they actually wrote that scene because there is something just majestic about, you know, an unprotected guy walking in, and you turn around and there's a giant mutated bear, yao guy charging you. And instead of like, oh, yeah, I'm in armor. Let's take it on. He runs out of the cave screaming. And the duck quacks are gonna be getting a workout there. But sorry, kids, we're not that kind of show. 

Dallas [27:14 - 27:18]: Those are the only lines for a while in the show. 

Alex [27:18 - 27:24]: But it's. Ali looked at me and went, that is a real encapsulated. Like, just encapsulation. 

Dallas [27:24 - 27:25]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [27:25 - 27:41]: What it feels like to play the game. And the first time you have one of those encounters, it doesn't matter, like, where, which game, if it's a deathclaw or if it's yao guy, you just walk into a clearing, and the next thing you know, you're like, uh. Oh, yeah. 

Dallas [27:41 - 27:55]: I mean, that's how the very beginning parts of the game, like, you get a suit of power armor and there's a deathclaw. And I always am like, I'm not jumping down there. I don't think so. 

Alex [27:55 - 28:13]: No, let the Raiders deal with it. Yeah. Or in fallout new Vegas. Allie's been playing new Vegas now for the first time as well. And it's been fun because she still has that mentality of like, oh, I can go and do whatever I want. No, you can't. You're really underpowered. 

Dallas [28:13 - 28:14]: So if you just. 

Alex [28:14 - 28:21]: If you wander someplace, you could get, you know, attacked by something that's way bigger and way faster than you. 

Dallas [28:21 - 28:22]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [28:22 - 28:48]: And you better be prepared. And so the saves have been coming in handy, like, say, quick save before I'm going to test something and then reload when it goes horribly awry. So that's very much like that scene was like, that's perfect. That is exactly what playing these games feels like. Yeah. I loved it. What'd you think about the actual introduction to Philly, though? Our little Shantytown? 

Dallas [28:48 - 29:04]: It felt very video game fallout. Like, they got the whole vibe of, this is a living shanty town of people just getting by, kind of just doing a lot of nothing. 

Alex [29:04 - 29:05]: Yeah. 

Dallas [29:05 - 29:22]: You know, like, it's one of the things, like, in fallout, I'm like, why aren't you guys doing more? Like, it's been 200 years since the bombs dropped you. And they got that, like, like, the guy that she, that Lucy meets on the way, who is like, it's on the other side of that hill. And she's like, have you ever been there? Nope. 

Alex [29:22 - 29:26]: No, it's just over that hill. Nope. Dad went over there. 

Dallas [29:26 - 29:27]: He died. Had an aunt. 

Alex [29:27 - 29:30]: My sister had an aunt. 

Dallas [29:30 - 29:39]: She died that they're just like, he's working on the water purifier and he's like, like, I just keep adding sand and no water's coming out. And she's like, have you tried adding water? 

Alex [29:39 - 29:41]: Yes. Yes. 

Dallas [29:41 - 29:47]: It shows that, like, oh, you guys have lost everything. And you just. 

Alex [29:48 - 29:49]: Yep, yep. 

Dallas [29:49 - 29:50]: Barely. Barely scraping. 

Alex [29:50 - 29:57]: Beautiful, though, in its own right, where it's just like, that is what it's like. I think of the movie idiocracy a little bit. 

Dallas [29:58 - 29:58]: Yeah. 

Alex [29:58 - 30:31]: Where, you know, you see that opening scene of, like, the very smart couple, and they're like, well, we're going to hold off having kids. And meanwhile, the, you know, bum and his wife are just popping them out. And over the decades, the population gets dumber. Well, what happens when you're all irradiated and your, you know, breeding selection is very limited and also, you gotta. It's just survival of the fittest in some ways, where it's just like, it's. 

Dallas [30:31 - 30:34]: Really the survival of the dumbest in this. 

Alex [30:34 - 31:10]: I'm just gonna sit over here in my rundown house and in my underwear. Yeah. I also really loved that he asks her for water. Like you're saying, like, well, did you try adding water? She's like, do you need water? And of course, she's very innocent. And she's like, I've got a little water I could spare. Like, here, have a sip. And he just downs the entire purified water bottle that she's got, and she's like, uh, what? And that's like, the very. That's the tip of the iceberg of lessons that she will need to learn. And it's great. So. 

Dallas [31:10 - 31:22]: And he explains it to her. He's not really aggressive. No, he's like, I was told whenever, you know, you get water, you drink it. Even if you're not thirsty, you drink it because you won't get it again, so. Yep. 

Alex [31:22 - 32:18]: Like, if you keep adding sand to your water purifier, you won't. So. So she gets into Philly. And when you say it felt very video gamey. It does. Where it's just like this big, almost like a renaissance fair out front where everybody's just hawking their wares. You've got a snake oil salesman, doctor who, oh, I got a cure all for everything. And you're like, no, you don't. Or do you? Right? Spoiler. Not spoiler. And then you go into town, and it's like, okay, what would be my first stop if I was looking for supplies or help? Like, I would go to a trading post. Yeah, that would be the person who would probably have the most information. Lucy did not exactly get the warmest of welcomes, did she? 

Dallas [32:18 - 32:33]: Nope. And that's where, like, they really drive home yes. People do not like vault dwellers because they were, they have not had to bear the brunt of surviving the wasteland. 

Alex [32:33 - 32:34]: Not at all. 

Dallas [32:35 - 32:41]: And she comes at them very much as the, like, girl scout, you know, like, I'm here to. 

Alex [32:41 - 33:07]: To find this person. Excuse me. You own some fallout. You own some vault tec gear, and that's illegal. So I assume that you do illegal activities. Can you tell me about your illegal activities? Like, girlfriend, that is not how you go. Hey, I know you've been in the vault for a long time. Have you read Dale Carnegie, how to win friends and influence people? Because I think you needed to. 

Dallas [33:08 - 33:09]: Like, yeah. 

Alex [33:09 - 33:10]: They also. 

Dallas [33:10 - 33:21]: She hits a vendor who's selling iguana on a stick. Yes. And there is it iguana on a stick or iguana bits that in fallout lore is actually human meat. 

Alex [33:21 - 33:23]: Really? Yeah. 

Dallas [33:23 - 33:32]: In fallout one or two, like, you find out that all of the iguana meat, because they're like, there's no iguanas. It is people meat. 

Alex [33:32 - 33:36]: The horrifying truth about iguana bits a. 

Dallas [33:36 - 33:38]: Bit, which they were giving her iguana stick, so. 

Alex [33:39 - 33:48]: Oh, no. They were human meat from one specific vendor. In fallout one, there is also actual iguana. And then I don't think hers was. 

Dallas [33:48 - 33:52]: Bits that they were getting offered. It was like, iguana on a stick. So I think it's legit. 

Alex [33:52 - 34:13]: No iguana bits nor squirrel, because there are just as many theories about those. Give no bonuses if you have the cannibal perk, mystery jerky, and mystery bacon. Do give a bonus if you have it. Oh, no, I don't. Oh, no. 

Dallas [34:15 - 34:17]: So I think she's safe from. 

Alex [34:17 - 34:31]: Yeah, but. And it is funny because you. You mentioned, like, human meat. It's not the last time we're gonna surprise. The wasteland's bad. 

Dallas [34:32 - 34:38]: And the. The snake oil guy, that's not the first time we saw him in this episode. 

Alex [34:38 - 34:39]: Right. 

Dallas [34:39 - 34:49]: That's the guy that Maximus saves. Yes, because he was doing experiments on chickens. Chickens really are having a hard way to go. 

Alex [34:50 - 35:26]: Yeah, doing experiments on chickens is a really family friendly way, but that's a really good also point where you're talking about Lucy's learning the world. Maximus is learning the world where he's like, I am in an armor suit. I will save everyone from harm. And so he sees two guys fighting, one guy beating the snot out of the other guy, and he's like, well, clearly that's the aggressive. And it's like, no, he was alien probing the chickens with his body parts. 

Dallas [35:26 - 35:44]: Yeah, but I like that they picked something that was so weird that he wasn't like, I gotta go chase him down cuz he's really the bad guy. It's like, what, what kind of weird place am I in, right? Not a, like, blatant black and white. Oh, he murdered my daughter. No, he did. 

Alex [35:44 - 35:44]: He did. 

Dallas [35:44 - 35:45]: What? 

Alex [35:46 - 36:16]: Yeah. Yeah. So I see why that, you know. Yeah, that guy probably has some screws loose, so. Yeah, it is so shantytown is a lot of fun. Maximus now has let his knight die going back to that because they kind of go, they kind of cut back and forth. Yeah. What did you think of Maximus just letting Titus expire? 

Dallas [36:16 - 37:00]: The more that that dude talked, the more I was like, he better not, he better not go give that dude that stimpak. He better just let him go. But I also don't know how he's going to come back unless he really redeems himself because that's what he was accused of doing to get the position he has in the first place is, you know, sabotaging someone to get their position. Right now this guy dies, is this going to get brought up again? Like, if you go home and they're like, oh, so you may or may not have cut somebody's leg almost completely off to become right squire. And he just so happens to die now year. That doesn't look good. Yeah, and that guy brings it up. He's like, they'll kill you if you go, yeah, exactly. 

Alex [37:00 - 38:34]: Like, if you. And I think there's kind of this blessing in disguise for him where it's like, I will just like, for Maximus, I'm just going to hide in the armor and no one will know the difference. Oh, like, and he does the classic, like, oh, you're calling me. Maybe I should just, I'm going through a tunnel style, you know, which is great. I have not seen anything. I don't think I know anything else. That Michael Rapaport, the actor who plays knight Titus, I don't think I know anything that he's been in, but everyone that I knew that knew him, like, and I'm looking now like, he's in only murders in the building or the. He was in law and order for an episode. He's in the big bang theory for like, he does a lot of parts. Like, big parts. And, and so, like people said, like, when he showed up, you know, if you knew him, you knew him, right? Yeah. For a split second, I thought they grabbed Bill Burr. I did too. I was like, no way. But honestly, not having Bill Burr. Yeah. Kept. Kept the immersion around for just a little bit, you know, better. So I enjoyed that. And there's something about when jerks get their comeuppance. 

Dallas [38:34 - 38:35]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [38:35 - 38:46]: That's just so, like, I remember growing up, my dad would talk about revenge movies and, like, you gotta. You gotta watch them sparingly because you don't want your whole world tainted by that. 

Dallas [38:46 - 38:46]: Right. 

Alex [38:46 - 39:16]: Yeah. But, like, a man on fire or the equalizer, like, bad guys getting their just desserts taken, you know, like, there's. It's. It's nice. And so this guy's taunting Maximus. Yeah, I was okay with Maximus just letting him. Yeah. You know, not only were you a coward, but now you're. You're taunting the only person who can help you. Yeah. 

Dallas [39:16 - 39:24]: I think maybe he would get up, like, this is going to be a. This world is bad, and it's just going to keep getting worse. 

Alex [39:24 - 39:24]: Yeah. 

Dallas [39:24 - 39:29]: So I'm kind of glad that there was a little light in that tunnel for him at the time. 

Alex [39:29 - 40:17]: Yes. Yes. So back in Philly, we see our scientist friend get ushered in to the store in kind of like a backdoor hush hush. Like, I don't want to even call it the underground railroad because that seems a little too generous, but Mama June starts ushering him in. We cut across the good, the bad, and the ugly style to Walton Goggins just sitting there in a rocking chair, waiting on his target. Yeah. That next scene of violence is incredible. Oh, yeah. 

Dallas [40:17 - 40:45]: That reminded me a lot of the game. Like, you're just blasting everything and things are falling apart and. And even the. Almost the, like, Bethesda jank of, like, they're gonna launch, like, physics, maybe doesn't. They don't work the same way anymore. And so, like, giant holes and people flying over things and. And just crazy, crazy, crazy shots. 

Alex [40:45 - 41:24]: It reminded me a lot of in fallout four, which, again, this is recency bias. It's not that I think that's the end all be all but right. Very early on in the game, or at least traditionally, based on how you explore the game, you come across a little diner, and there's a gang out front with a guy named Wolfgang, and he's shouting at the owner, Trudy. And you have to kind of get involved because, like, Trudy's son is addicted to drugs and owes that guy a ton of money. And who do you side with at first? 

Dallas [41:25 - 41:25]: Right? 

Alex [41:25 - 42:17]: Yeah. And, like, the first time I played through it, I immediately was like, oh, this drug dealer guy. He's a jerk. Blast away. And then I go back to it and I start listening and I'm like, oh, the sun is a bad guy, too. Okay, so you all suck here. So, yeah, there's a lot of those, like, in game scenarios where it's just like, let's go, guns blaze. And I think, like, you know, Lucy's reaction of, like, well, let's diffuse the scenario. Clearly, you're not being very nice, and if you're not going to listen to this, then you're not very logical, and I'm just gonna have to, you know, tranquilize you. And the ghoul. Walton Goggins is just like, yeah, I don't care. Yeah, I don't care. 

Dallas [42:17 - 42:30]: That was the part, like, amazing part of the trailer, but it is still probably gonna be the most quotable part of the entire show. Which line, it's just a drop in the bucket whenever he, like, pulls. 

Alex [42:31 - 42:31]: Yep. 

Dallas [42:31 - 42:32]: Yeah. 

Alex [42:32 - 43:14]: That is a very small drop of Kim. Very big. You know, like, like, it's just, it's beautiful. Like, he plays it with such, just conviction. Like, it's great. Like, also, and this isn't like a comment on Walton Goggins in particular, but he's got a very distinctive voice and cadence. And watching him go back and forth between the ghoul with that western inspired, a little more of a closed mouth, almost an underbite ii kind of talking style to then him as Cooper, where it's much cleaner, much crisper, you're like, oh, wow. Like, he, he does both roles. 

Dallas [43:14 - 43:15]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [43:15 - 43:20]: Well, and you can tell he's just having a field day. And I love it. 

Dallas [43:20 - 43:33]: I mean, there's, he has a, a lot of range. Like, just with those two characters within community, he's a very, like, clean cut, nerdy guy. But then it justified. He's a redneck. 

Alex [43:33 - 43:33]: Yeah. 

Dallas [43:34 - 43:35]: Like drug addle. 

Alex [43:35 - 43:47]: Like, yep, he's great. Yeah. Which, I mean, that's no surprise to anybody watching, right? Yeah. I do think it's hilarious that the gore gets just ratcheted up. 

Dallas [43:47 - 43:47]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [43:47 - 44:53]: Like eleven in this episode. Because I thought, you know, you see that little promo clip and you're like, all right, Maximus is descending from on high to stop. And you don't really understand that Maximus actually is just an idiot at this point. You think, oh, Maximus is coming to the aid. This should end things peaceably. No. Yeah, no, it doesn't. Like, he's just some gung ho young buck who just stole this armor and doesn't have a clue. And meanwhile, Cooper was a veteran who had used power armor. So he knows all the weaknesses, and he knows that this guy is not all that capable. And it's interesting because later on in the show, you see that Cooper knows his way around power armor. No spoilers for. No spoilers for you. But, you know, it's. He is a veteran, which he talks about in episode one. And, oh, yeah, we get more glimpses, but he knows his way about around power armor. So it's clear that he knows he's toying with Maximus. 

Dallas [44:53 - 44:54]: Yeah. 

Alex [44:54 - 44:57]: And that, I think, with hindsight, makes it even more fun. 

Dallas [44:57 - 45:16]: Oh, yeah. Because at the beginning, I was like, well, there's no way both of these can walk out of this fight. He's a tank, and this guy really can't be stopped because he's so good at what he does. And then whenever it's just, he flies away on accident. I'm like, okay, that makes sense. 

Alex [45:17 - 45:26]: Then you cut to Lucy escaping with the scientist. Yeah. And Willzig. And they put a robotic leg on him. 

Dallas [45:26 - 45:28]: And that takes. That was so. 

Alex [45:28 - 45:29]: Oh, my God. 

Dallas [45:29 - 45:31]: Gory. Wow. 

Alex [45:31 - 45:42]: I just was like, oh, we're going full video game logic here. And it's beautiful because, like, that's what I signed up for, and I just didn't expect it because. 

Dallas [45:42 - 45:42]: Yeah. 

Alex [45:42 - 45:51]: How do you show video game logic in a tv show? Well, gonna be especially live action. It's gonna be a little messy. Yeah. 

Dallas [45:51 - 45:54]: You put a juicer on the end of this leg is what you do. 

Alex [45:54 - 46:28]: I had no idea what was gonna happen. I also love. I loved the June and her roommate, wife, girlfriend, the co owner. I don't know what their actual relationship is, but it gave off that, like, golden girls vibe of, like, yeah. Which, as someone with older relatives, and you go and spend time with them, and one of them's slightly perturbed with the other or angry, and they just start shouting at each other while something else is going on entirely. And you're just like, that's amazing. 

Dallas [46:28 - 46:39]: Like that spot on. And it's very much a. This is probably not the first time everything has broken loose here. So for them, it's just, where are the legs? 

Alex [46:39 - 47:05]: Where are the legs? I thought it was great. I even noticed how the prosthetic leg that they put on him on the box, it has this sign that it was, like, the veteran's choice. And it's like, oh, no. You know, that the resources, war and fallout, it's implied. It's bad. At least there was technology to help the veterans. 

Dallas [47:05 - 47:09]: Right. But, oh, no, it's not pretty, but. 

Alex [47:09 - 47:42]: No, it'll get you there, I guess. And then, so now the idea was like, all right, the ghoul is the bad guy, we think, right. And also before we go on, we talked about how we see initially the enclave is the bad guy. And what is it that the enclave did that told us they were the bad guy? They hurt dog and the ghoul? We think it's implied he killed dogmeat. 

Dallas [47:42 - 47:44]: We think, yeah, we shot him on. 

Alex [47:44 - 47:47]: Purpose or stabbed him. Or stabbed him. 

Dallas [47:47 - 47:47]: Did he stab him? 

Alex [47:48 - 47:49]: Yeah, he stabbed him. 

Dallas [47:49 - 47:51]: He was on top of him and he got her really bad. 

Alex [47:51 - 47:59]: So now you've killed, we think, killed dogmeat. He's absolutely tried to obliterate dogmeat's owner. 

Dallas [48:00 - 48:00]: Yeah. 

Alex [48:00 - 48:23]: But then you cut to him and, you know, he's just been in this big fight and he pulls out a stim pack to take care of dogmeat. Which again, as someone who has seen all of the episodes, that has taken on new meaning because that is also referential or foreshadowing. And it's. 

Dallas [48:23 - 48:23]: Gotcha. 

Alex [48:24 - 48:35]: It's a beautiful moment. What's also gonna be more fun as we do these commentaries is that our knowledge gap is going to shrink more and more and more. And I can't wait to look back at it. 

Dallas [48:35 - 48:40]: That's why I have intentionally not binge them all out so that we didn't. 

Alex [48:40 - 48:43]: Try to binge it, we just did. Right. 

Dallas [48:43 - 48:46]: Well, I mean, because they keep coming. Like, I've had to, like, intentionally be. 

Alex [48:46 - 48:55]: Like, nope, I'm going to stop here for a while. I'm going to sit on it. Enjoy it. Yep. The dog is there just, is it. 

Dallas [48:55 - 49:09]: Just loyal to whoever the last impact holder was? Because, like, he tried to kill him. The dog tried to kill the ghoul. He stabbed him, he gave him a stimpak and he just kind of was. 

Alex [49:09 - 49:20]: Like, okay, yeah, I guess we're friends now. Yeah, that. I think that's hilarious. Yeah, because I guess that's, I mean, that's how dog meat shows up to us in the game. I know. 

Dallas [49:20 - 49:25]: In the game it's just whoever, like, you're like, I'm with you now. We're friends. I never saw you before. 

Alex [49:25 - 49:31]: Yeah, we're. I adopted you as. Yeah, you know, no, dog me adopted me. 

Dallas [49:31 - 49:32]: Exactly. Yeah. 

Alex [49:32 - 49:49]: So now as Lucy and the scientists are trying to basically the, the thought that June gave her the old lady shop owner, June says, here's your, your chance to get your dad back is take the scientist as bait. And now you're going to get in. Yeah. 

Dallas [49:49 - 49:53]: Because that is who he's going to see, right, is the lady. 

Alex [49:53 - 49:55]: It's implied. Yeah. Moldavor. Yeah. 

Dallas [49:55 - 49:55]: Yeah. 

Alex [49:55 - 50:24]: So they're. They're implying that if Lucy can get to Moldevor with Willzig the scientist, then she'll get her way in, and now she can get her dad back. Right now you've got the ghoul on your trail, and the brotherhood is tasked with getting the scientist. Yeah. It's a lot of people going after this Macguffin, like we say. But again, it also serves a purpose, as you will see with time. 

Dallas [50:24 - 50:24]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [50:24 - 50:39]: What did you think about the ending where he just decides that he's given up on life and it's time to do some less than fun, less than clean surgery? 

Dallas [50:41 - 50:43]: I was like, that's not where this is going. 

Alex [50:43 - 50:44]: No. 

Dallas [50:44 - 50:51]: And then when she pulls out the ripper, I was like, oh, boy, this is about to get crazy. 

Alex [50:51 - 51:42]: I mean, in the game, the ripper has a pretty intimidating sound effect, but at the same time, and I guess everybody plays a little differently for me, I think I only did one, like, melee build, and I used the power fist, which is just a giant hydraulic, and you run as fast as you can. And then I found the spray and prey, which has explosive bullets, and it's like, oh, that's way more fun to shoot people. And it explodes. Yeah. So I don't think I ever had a character build that used a ripper. So when Lucy pulls it out and you can hear how chunky the teeth are, and you're like, oh, this isn't going to just be a clean, surgical cut. This is going to be a gory mess. 

Dallas [51:42 - 51:49]: And I'm assuming it is. Like, it's not him that needs to make it wherever it's going. It's what he put in his neck. 

Alex [51:49 - 52:24]: It's what he put in his neck. Correct, correct. So this is where, you know, like, you've set all three stories in motion in the first episode. Now you're having them all cross paths in the second episode. That's why I said in our non spoiler section, they both had that same task. Like, I give them the same grade because first one's laying the foundation for the whole world, and this one is connecting all the interweaving stories for me. I give it an eight. Yeah. I think it's phenomenal. Oh, yeah. But it just gets better, man. It just gets better. 

Dallas [52:25 - 52:39]: I forgot how long these episodes are. So, like, right before the shootout, I was like, well, it's about to end. And then that happened, and I was like, well, it's about to end. And then he gets his foot put back on. I was like, oh, it's just gonna keep on going. 

Alex [52:39 - 52:47]: And it just kept going. Yeah, it's, uh. It's fun. Cause it's the kind of ride that you don't want it to end. Yeah. 

Dallas [52:47 - 52:56]: I wasn't like, oh, there's more. I was like, oh, there's more. I just assumed time wise, we were at the end. No, it just keeps going. All right, yeah, I'm on board. 

Alex [52:56 - 53:24]: Yep. And so it is fun because it's like, all right, what's gonna happen? Like, yeah, who is going to be. Who's going to come out on top? Or should I say, who's going to come out ahead? See the puns? Just. They keep coming, and they don't stop coming. So, yeah, I think, for me, very satisfying episode. Oh, yeah. Laid into the tone of fallout. 

Dallas [53:24 - 53:29]: Oh, very much so. It gets the vibe right the whole time. 

Alex [53:29 - 53:29]: Yep. 

Dallas [53:29 - 53:45]: Like, the cave scene, it was like a random encounter. Like, they got the random encounter part down. Like, it's not a. I mean, it turns out to be a huge story, but it's just. That's how you just walk onto things and fall out and you're. Oh, there's things attacking things. 

Alex [53:45 - 54:04]: And the scene with the ghoul in the shootout in. In Philly, you can't really use vats from the game. The automated targeting system. You have to, like, somehow. How do you show slowing time? How do you show experience? How do you. How do you do that? And they did it just masterfully, which. 

Dallas [54:04 - 54:10]: Slowed down like, it was not a fast shootout. That's. Yeah, it felt very vatsy. 

Alex [54:10 - 55:18]: Which. There is a scene in Westworld that is. It's a trope that's used throughout the show. Not. Not to spoil a show that's been out for, you know, almost a decade at this point, in case you weren't aware, Westworld is a bunch of androids. And so. So a lot of these scenes, it's a theme park. These scenes are going to take place multiple times with slight variations based on how people interact with them. And so there is a heist scene that's used as a character encounter that happens all the time. And as a new guest comes into Westworld for the first time, you can try to stop the banditos from stealing the safe. From. From stealing the safe at the mariposa. I watched the shootout in Philly, and I went, oh, that's Jonathan Nolan doing Westworld right there in the best of ways. Like, yeah, I give it an eight. The only, the only hard part is that pacing for taking three disconnected storylines and weaving them to interconnect, that's just, that's hard for anything. 

Dallas [55:18 - 55:28]: Oh, yeah. But I like it that it wasn't. They all get together and they're like, oh, we're all buddies now. Let's all go on adventures together. No, they're not all on the same side still. 

Alex [55:28 - 55:37]: Nope. Nope. I can't wait for you to continue to uncover the mysteries and see how everything connects. Me too. 

Dallas [55:37 - 55:48]: And nothing has been spoiled for me. Even like, yes, going through news or articles and things like, nothing has happened to me. So this is all still revealed. 

Alex [55:48 - 55:57]: Here's the thing. Everyone dies and they actually are starting with a whole new cast for season two. Everyone's dead. Everybody. 

Dallas [55:57 - 55:58]: Fantastic. 

Alex [55:58 - 57:21]: That's what I was hoping for. No, no, that doesn't happen. And if you actually believed that, you'd be crazy, right? But not as crazy as the kind of hijinks that we normally get up to here on the big red button, which, if you've enjoyed what you've heard here tonight and you need more fallout content, because let's be honest, we all need more fallout content. Please come check us out next week as we continue our story into the wastelands of post apocalyptic Michigan in our actual play of a tabletop role playing game that we've turned into an audio drama. And I was, I would be sorely remiss if I didn't point out the fact that we are a member of the Grapefruit network. We have two other sister shows. So if you want to hear about Harry Potter or if you want to hear bar games and bar chat, we have two other shows, Potter plus and a doctor and a lawyer walk into a bar. You can check all of us Or you can check us out, so we'd love for you to come back next time. If you're just coming for the fallout show, we've got, I'd say, you know, we're basically on par with Jonathan Nolan without, you know, the volume. We don't use the volume here. 

Dallas [57:21 - 57:23]: We are like, that's the only difference. 

Alex [57:23 - 57:31]: That might actually put us ahead, right? Like, that makes us like Stanley Kubrick to Jonathan and Christopher Nolan, right? 

Dallas [57:31 - 57:32]: Exactly. Yeah. 

Alex [57:32 - 57:52]: Duh. No, we're not. Listen, if anybody, if Jonathan Nolan hears this, please know that fully satirical, we're not worthy. But honestly, we get up to that same kind of hijinks and we'd love for you to come back next time and hear what we get up to. Yeah. 

Dallas [57:52 - 57:59]: So, from all of us here at the Grapefruit network and the big red button, I am Dallas. 

Alex [57:59 - 58:03]: And I am Alex. We will see you all next week. 

Dallas [58:03 - 58:04]: See ya. 

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The Grapefruit Network