Big Red Button: A Fallout Podcast

Pressing The Button | Reviewing Amazon Prime's "Fallout" | Episode 3

The Grapefruit Network Season 1 Episode 11

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Welcome back to that Fallout roleplaying podcast you accidentally discovered when you ran out of better podcasts to listen to!

In our latest episode, hosts Alex and Dallas dive deep into the third episode of the Fallout TV show. This week, we continue our segment "Pressing the Button," where we explore the layers and nuances of the series.

(00:01:45) - Spoiler-free review begins
(00:03:23) - Discussion on character development and plot progression
(00:04:17) - Insights into new elements introduced in the show
(00:06:44) - Analysis of character dynamics and episode structure
(00:08:08) - Discussion on historical and future elements in the show
(00:10:39) - Detailed spoiler discussion begins
(00:15:27) - Episode's impact and theories

Episode Highlights:
- Spoiler-Free Review: Alex and Dallas share their initial thoughts without giving away the plot. If you haven't watched the episode yet, don't worry; we give you a heads-up before discussing any spoilers!
- Deep Dive into Spoilers: For those who have seen the episode, the hosts discuss key plot points, character developments, and their implications. They also theorize about the connections and future episodes based on the current trajectory of the show.
- New Wasteland Creatures: The episode introduces some intriguing new creatures with unique characteristics that have our hosts excited and a bit terrified!

Listener Interaction:
We love hearing from you! After listening to our review and analysis, what are your thoughts on "Fallout" Episode 3? Do you agree with our ratings? What are your predictions for the next episodes? Email us your thoughts or leave a comment on our social media channels!

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Thank you for joining us on this apocalyptic journey through the Fallout universe. Stay tuned and keep pressing that button with us!

Stay Safe in the Wasteland,

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Alex [0:15 - 0:20]: In the case of nuclear or radiological fallout, people living around potential targets. 

Dallas [0:25 - 0:25]: You. 

Alex [0:25 - 1:21]: Shouldn'T leave your shelter until officials say so. This is the emergency broadcast system. This is not a test. Repeat, this is not a test. Citizens are advised to take the following steps. Stay alert to news media events or local emergency alert notifications. Welcome back, everybody, to the Big Red Button podcast. This time, you've got Alex and Dallas. We are continuing our review and walkthrough of the fallout tv show. In our segment, we're calling pressing the button. So, Dallas, welcome back, good sir. 

Dallas [1:22 - 1:23]: Hello. How are you? 

Alex [1:23 - 1:25]: You been enjoying the show as we go along? 

Dallas [1:25 - 1:45]: I have, and it has gotten better every episode. Like, I. You know, sometimes things take a lull or they start high and it's really as high as it gets. But this, the fire is stoked a little bit more each episode, and I'm loving it. 

Alex [1:45 - 2:20]: So we will get into our review, but just so everyone who is listening, you are aware we structure this so that we are going to give our spoiler free thoughts. We will give you advance notice when we are heading into our spoiler talk. But this week we're reviewing episode three of the fallout tv show. Dallas, what is your numerical grade? One being the worst show you've ever seen, ten being the best. This is going down in the hall of fame of television. 

Dallas [2:20 - 2:27]: Right. For episode three, let's see episode two. I gave. Did I give it a seven, five or an eight? 

Alex [2:27 - 2:33]: You went up. So episode one was your seven, five, and then you went up. 

Dallas [2:33 - 2:39]: Yeah, I think this one is. Give it an 8.2. 

Alex [2:40 - 2:41]: Really? Okay. 

Dallas [2:41 - 2:53]: Yeah. It's not like I didn't, like, get up and, like, hold my head and was like, what? But I was glued the whole time for this one. Yeah, I was. I was here for it, and it stayed that way. 

Alex [2:53 - 2:58]: I said that episode one is setting the stage for the story on the whole. 

Dallas [2:59 - 2:59]: Yeah. 

Alex [2:59 - 3:23]: Episode two is helping those multiple stories start connecting. Episode three is where everything truly kicks off. Like, all right, we put all the dominoes up, pushed them, and now we get to start seeing the effects. I think I would give this one, this episode alone is a nine. 

Dallas [3:23 - 3:24]: Oh, no. 

Alex [3:24 - 3:25]: In my mind. Yeah. 

Dallas [3:25 - 3:26]: Wow. Yeah. 

Alex [3:26 - 3:44]: I really, really enjoyed this one for just a. We're getting more of the backstory. We are getting more of the conspiracy. We're getting more intrigue with the brotherhood and how they handle things. I like this one a lot. 

Dallas [3:44 - 3:44]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [3:44 - 3:47]: Plus, new wasteland creatures. 

Dallas [3:47 - 3:47]: Right. 

Alex [3:47 - 3:51]: That have very strange mouth appendages, which. 

Dallas [3:51 - 3:59]: We will get to. Yeah, I don't know if I have just not dug into the lore of this, but that. I was not expecting that. 

Alex [4:00 - 4:01]: No, no. 

Dallas [4:01 - 4:17]: Nor was I. I was intrigued. Like, most fallout stuff is fairly like it's been the same forever. And that was one of the few things where I'm like, oh, I didn't have a clue. I'm really. But I'm also glad to be getting new stuff for me. Yeah. So that's. 

Alex [4:17 - 4:26]: Which, as someone who has seen the whole series through at this point multiple times, and you are just now creeping up on it. 

Dallas [4:26 - 4:27]: Yeah. 

Alex [4:27 - 4:35]: Going back for a rewatch again, you're like, oh, that's. That's setting the stage for something later on. 

Dallas [4:35 - 4:37]: No kidding. 

Alex [4:37 - 4:38]: Ooh, yeah. 

Dallas [4:38 - 4:40]: Yeah, I'm digging it. 

Alex [4:40 - 5:00]: It's Jonathan Nolan. Nothing really exists in a vacuum, which is why it feels kind of wrong to rank or score individual episodes. But it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Them's the rules. The rules that we created for ourselves. And we could, in theory, break at any time, so we could maybe an. 

Dallas [5:00 - 5:05]: Overall at the end, you know, like this was each one in a vacuum. 

Alex [5:05 - 5:21]: Yeah, that'll be easy. I. I think that there are some fun things in this episode in particular that we. We had seen in the trailer for the show. I was like, I can't wait until we see that. 

Dallas [5:21 - 5:21]: Right. 

Alex [5:21 - 5:24]: That scene is going to be amazing. 

Dallas [5:24 - 5:24]: And. 

Alex [5:24 - 5:52]: And if you've seen the trailer, I guess this isn't really a spoiler, but one of these wasteland critters is, uh, what is being referred to as a gulper. And goodness gracious, that thing is terrifying. Yeah, I would not want to. I wouldn't want to encounter it in. In the fallout universe. I know it came from the far harbor DLC. 

Dallas [5:52 - 5:53]: Yeah. 

Alex [5:53 - 6:01]: In fallout four. Honestly, I don't think I encountered too many of those because I didn't. I just. I played the main story and kept going. 

Dallas [6:01 - 6:02]: Right. Yeah. 

Alex [6:02 - 6:10]: And then watched Allie play all the DLC because that's just. It was more fun for me to watch her experience something. 

Dallas [6:10 - 6:11]: Right. Yeah. 

Alex [6:11 - 6:18]: So I hadn't had to stare down the mouth of a gulper, but I wouldn't want to again. That's. 

Dallas [6:21 - 6:44]: It was. I. I'm glad that they brought, you know, like, not just your standard bad guys. Every single time. They're like, you know, you. Yeah, you've seen this one every time. Here's more of this one. Like, they're reaching around and making it seem a little bit more lived in. Here's water. Here's a thing that would be in the water, but I. It's back to the chunks again with this episode. 

Alex [6:44 - 6:46]: Whoa. Poor choice of words after the. 

Dallas [6:47 - 7:28]: We'll get there. And, uh, that they did a really good job. Like, it's not that theme every time. Like episode two was. They're all going to converge naturally, but this one was back to like, like kind of vignettes of each for some. But then, you know, some of them are already together. So that. But I do. I do like that. More flashbacks because that's something that the games kind of can or they haven't done. I guess they could. Like, you usually start pre war for just a brief second, but they don't really look at that world very much at all. And I like it. We're getting a lot more pre war world. And that's nice. 

Alex [7:29 - 7:52]: It's almost like if they took a few pieces of Mad Men, which is, I guess, the closest stylistic show that we could really compare it to. Right. And it's like, all right, what would this, you know, what would Cooper's world look like as a famous actor? Or maybe once upon a time in Hollywood might be another good example. 

Dallas [7:52 - 7:53]: Right. Yeah. 

Alex [7:53 - 8:07]: Golden age Hollywood. Now in alternate future history. I mean, it's just a very strange balancing act that they've got to do there where they're showing history that technically in our timeline has never existed. 

Dallas [8:07 - 8:08]: Right. 

Alex [8:08 - 8:19]: And. And then on top of that, uh, tie it into the future of the fallout world. So I. They've done it tastefully so far. 

Dallas [8:20 - 8:38]: And Fallout has a hook with ghouls. Like, how are you going to tie this back 200 years? Well, you can because there are certain things that happen that make people be able to. To live that long. So you still have a hook and a tie. Yeah. To do that. And it's fantastically done. Love it. 

Alex [8:38 - 8:47]: Which, once we get into the spoiler section, I have some. Some theories for season two that I'm gonna unpack based on a few. 

Dallas [8:47 - 8:47]: Little. 

Alex [8:47 - 8:56]: Few little Easter eggs thrown in there in this episode. Any other thoughts before we dive into spoiler talk? 

Dallas [8:56 - 9:04]: I mean, um, not without spoiling things because there's a lot to unpack here. And this is. 

Alex [9:04 - 9:08]: This is definitely one that could get very spoilery very fast. 

Dallas [9:08 - 9:09]: Yup. Yeah. 

Alex [9:10 - 9:31]: I'm sticking with my nine even. It was a solid episode. Was it a perfect episode? No, but each iterative episode gets better and better and as a result, the. I think episode three is that turning point for the whole season, so. And then you're sticking with your eight two? 

Dallas [9:31 - 9:39]: I'm going to. Because I. That's the thing is, like, it's going up, so I got to give myself room. I can't hit perfection. We can't immediately. 

Alex [9:39 - 10:10]: No, I guess. All right, so those are our innovacuum scores. When we come back from our quick break, it will be all spoilers. All the way down. Yeah, yeah. And we'll see you in just a minute. Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all. Vault tech stock continues to rise as tensions with China reach an all time high. 

Dallas [10:20 - 10:39]: All right, we are back, and it is time to unbox, to dig up, pull out of the water, some spoiler talk. So, yes, sir, it is time, and there's a lot. You really can't touch this episode a whole lot without spoiling stuff. 

Alex [10:39 - 10:46]: No, you really can't. Does it make more sense to go character by character instead of chronologically? 

Dallas [10:46 - 10:47]: I think so. 

Alex [10:47 - 10:49]: So who do you want to start with? 

Dallas [10:50 - 10:51]: Let's start with the ghoul. 

Alex [10:51 - 10:53]: Cause he's the ghoul. 

Dallas [10:53 - 10:56]: Yeah, he's got things going on. 

Alex [10:56 - 10:58]: We were talking about the pre war scenes. 

Dallas [10:58 - 10:59]: Yeah. 

Alex [10:59 - 11:22]: And I really, really love watching him grapple with his image and his own character as an actor, where it's like, well, I wouldn't kill this guy. That's not what I do. It's like, yeah, but America needs a new, grittier role model. He's like, really? Is that what we need? That was a fun little scene. 

Dallas [11:22 - 11:55]: Yeah. Because that is what he becomes later. Later on, like, who he is fighting to not be pre war. That is who he has had to become post war, you know? Right. For lots, I'm sure lots of reasons that kind of. He's had to have, like, not only has he lost his humanity physically, but he's almost had to lose his humanity, you know, psychologically and mentally. It had to be drug out of him to survive as well, which I. 

Alex [11:55 - 12:21]: Really need you to speed up on these episodes because, my goodness, there's. There's just reason for that, that we start to unpack. Um, I think we're going to have to just do a series overview. Oh, a fabulous episode once you finish, finally. Because on Rewatch, there's so many little things that I catch with that foreknowledge where it's like, oh, there's some foreshadowing here. 

Dallas [12:21 - 12:22]: Right. 

Alex [12:23 - 12:56]: I love watching him interact with his wife. I love the idea that she is a safe space for him in the industry, where it's just, I need to decompress from a day of being an actor and my wife's right here. I'm going to go take five to go on a lunch break and be a good dad. Yeah. But also, now we get, is it technically a retcon that he is the face of the fallout pip boy? Is that. Is that technically a retcon? 

Dallas [12:56 - 12:57]: Right. 

Alex [12:58 - 13:10]: You know, he's wearing the blue and gold jumpsuit and his wife's even, like, they made it in your colors, which when you see him as an actor, as the cowboy, he's wearing that blue and gold. 

Dallas [13:10 - 13:11]: Yeah. 

Alex [13:11 - 13:15]: Was he technically the inspiration for the palette? Like, that's almost like. 

Dallas [13:15 - 13:16]: Right. 

Alex [13:16 - 13:29]: Yeah, that's what it sounds like. And then him going, let me give the thumbs up. And I know that in the trailer, there's the scene that they. They showed him blast in the face of the fallout pip boy. 

Dallas [13:29 - 13:32]: Yeah. Off the. 

Alex [13:32 - 13:33]: Off the billboard. 

Dallas [13:33 - 13:33]: Yeah. 

Alex [13:33 - 13:46]: And you almost just go, oh, is he just bitter against, you know, against vault Tec itself, but then in hindsight, you realize that he views himself. 

Dallas [13:46 - 13:47]: Yeah. 

Alex [13:48 - 14:03]: In that image and in the end credits, too. There's a picture of the billboard where it's half his face behind the pip boy. I mean, it's just really. And I keep saying pip boy is the right name. Fallout boy. 

Dallas [14:03 - 14:05]: I think Fallout Boy is not this. 

Alex [14:13 - 14:14]: Vault boy. Is that the right name? 

Dallas [14:14 - 14:15]: Yeah. Vault boy. 

Alex [14:15 - 14:15]: Yeah. 

Dallas [14:15 - 14:17]: Vault boy. Yeah. Vault boy. Yeah. 

Alex [14:18 - 14:29]: Well, so you see him blast the face off the billboard of the vault boy, and now you realize that with that hindsight, it's him seeing himself. 

Dallas [14:29 - 14:29]: Yeah. 

Alex [14:30 - 14:41]: And in the very last end of the. The credits, there's another billboard where it's half vault boy and half his face from a movie poster behind that, superimposed. 

Dallas [14:41 - 14:42]: Right. 

Alex [14:42 - 14:55]: And so you realize that he looks up there and he sees, obviously, without spoiling anything for. For you, he is aware of some of the atrocities that Vault tech has perpetrated. 

Dallas [14:55 - 14:56]: Right. Yeah. 

Alex [14:56 - 15:05]: It's great to see him, like, realize the damage that marketing has done and that he is partially responsible for that. 

Dallas [15:05 - 15:27]: Right. Yeah. Like, and I'm glad that they kind of show those two scenes back to back of, like, him in the show. I don't want to hurt people. I am now the face of vault tec. This is grand. And if you play the games, like, you know how horrible things go for vault tech and anybody involved. 

Alex [15:27 - 15:28]: Right. 

Dallas [15:28 - 15:40]: But it's like he's, unbeknownst to him, you know, naive family man. Like, I don't want to hurt people. You're about to hurt some people. Yeah. And that's not on purpose, but. 

Alex [15:40 - 15:43]: But that's just it, like, that's the. The moral dilemma that. 

Dallas [15:43 - 15:44]: Yeah. 

Alex [15:44 - 15:53]: We've all explored. Playing the games is what level of violence is appropriate to save your own hide. 

Dallas [15:53 - 15:53]: Yeah. 

Alex [15:53 - 15:55]: In the apocalypse. 

Dallas [15:55 - 15:55]: Right. 

Alex [15:55 - 16:04]: And it's interesting because a few of the games do it a little differently. Like new Vegas is. I just got shot in the face. I'm going to get some revenge. 

Dallas [16:05 - 16:05]: Yeah. 

Alex [16:05 - 16:19]: Then you could look at fallout three or fallout four. And now it's a slightly different, like, I need to find my dad or I need to find my son. This is a very different motivator. 

Dallas [16:19 - 16:19]: Right. 

Alex [16:19 - 16:22]: So what kind of. What kind of violence is allowed in the wasteland? 

Dallas [16:23 - 16:34]: Right. Yeah. They're not inherently violent. You know, stories in the beginning. New Vegas is. New Vegas is. You start with violence and violence all the way through. 

Alex [16:35 - 16:40]: And I think that's what makes it such a really strong franchise. 

Dallas [16:40 - 16:41]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [16:41 - 16:56]: Tv show included. And three, is that turning point, for sure, of Cooper being shown before the war and then after the war of 200 years of survival. Yeah, I do have. This is where my. My theory comes into play. 

Dallas [16:56 - 16:57]: Okay. 

Alex [16:57 - 17:09]: So he asks a question while he's standing there, he asks one of the reps, the sales reps, do these suits really block radiation? 

Dallas [17:09 - 17:10]: Yeah. Yeah. 

Alex [17:10 - 17:17]: And they look at each other knowingly and they go, yeah. Which we know that probably means no. 

Dallas [17:17 - 17:18]: Right. 

Alex [17:18 - 17:19]: Or very, very little. 

Dallas [17:19 - 17:20]: Yeah. 

Alex [17:20 - 17:44]: My theory is. And without getting too deep into the spoiler weeds for anyone who is either still watching along or. Or you, Dallas, my theory is, as he is on horseback, he finally gets home. Maybe he can't make it all the way to the vault, puts on that jumpsuit that he thinks will give him protection. Maybe it doesn't give him the amount of protection that he actually thinks it will. 

Dallas [17:45 - 17:45]: Yeah. 

Alex [17:45 - 17:48]: And now he is ghoulified. That is my. That is my theory. 

Dallas [17:48 - 17:50]: I think it's a solid theory, which. 

Alex [17:50 - 17:59]: We can unpack more once. Once, you know, all. Once all the pieces are in play for you. It's just not fair to theorize yet. 

Dallas [18:00 - 18:07]: I'm going to have to go faster because spoilers are also leaking everywhere at this point because they're kind of coming. What. I know. 

Alex [18:08 - 18:10]: Why is that being shown? Yeah. 

Dallas [18:10 - 18:15]: Yeah. I know I'm supposed to have watched them all, but I have not. That's okay. 

Alex [18:15 - 18:24]: This is the difference between dad life and non dad life. I'm on watch two. You are on watch one half, one third. 

Dallas [18:26 - 18:41]: I am enjoying watching them, like a few days apart. That's kind of fun because things have cooled down. Then I watch the next one. And it just feels nice. 

Alex [18:42 - 18:47]: Does it stick with you, though? Do you find yourself thinking about it over and over? 

Dallas [18:47 - 18:48]: Oh, yeah. Yeah. 

Alex [18:49 - 18:49]: Okay. 

Dallas [18:49 - 19:02]: So. And that's the thing, is, like, it. It has enough of a hook that, like, I want to watch the next one, even if it is a couple days later. It's not like, oh, here. You know, enough time has passed. I'm over it. No, it's still there. 

Alex [19:02 - 19:02]: Right? 

Dallas [19:02 - 19:03]: Yeah. 

Alex [19:03 - 19:14]: All right, so that was Cooper slash, the ghoul we do get to see. Well, and I guess transitioning from Cooper pre war into the ghoul now. 

Dallas [19:14 - 19:16]: Yeah, they. 

Alex [19:16 - 19:21]: He has some really fun scenes here. 

Dallas [19:21 - 19:22]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [19:22 - 19:45]: Because at this point, the race is on for this head of Willzig. Like, obviously, there is some rationale behind him trying to escape the enclave. There's a reason the brotherhood wants it. It's some kind of value. There's a bounty out for it worth a lot of money to him. But now the race is on. 

Dallas [19:45 - 19:46]: Yeah. 

Alex [19:46 - 19:54]: And it's fun seeing him in bounty hunter mode, where it's like, all right, I'm gonna do what I gotta do to get paid. 

Dallas [19:54 - 20:05]: Yep. And he. He holds back nothing. But also, he kind of does. Cause he could have just, like, done away with Lucy if he wanted to, but he kind of holds on. 

Alex [20:05 - 20:16]: There was a really interesting conversation, though, where she's like, why are you. Why are you torturing me? He's like, yeah, I read a study one time and even has to explain newspapers to her. 

Dallas [20:16 - 20:17]: Yeah. 

Alex [20:17 - 20:19]: Because she wouldn't know what a newspaper was. 

Dallas [20:19 - 20:19]: Yeah. 

Alex [20:19 - 20:24]: It's like, yeah, it doesn't work. And she's like, well, then why are you doing this? 

Dallas [20:24 - 20:35]: Oh, I'm not. You're baiting. I like that. He waxed philosophical for a long time, and then it's like, and none of that matters because that's not like, I'm not doing that anyway. 

Alex [20:35 - 20:44]: Yeah, I'm not an idiot, but, you know, you're just bait. So that's where I love those two story arcs connecting there. 

Dallas [20:44 - 20:45]: Yeah. 

Alex [20:45 - 21:10]: Because you've got that juxtaposition of the ghoul will do anything to meet any need. Lucy has morals and values, and so it's that black white which if you watch Westworld, there's a lot of that. Where does the gray area start to form with people? And it's nice to see that same kind of thought process. 

Dallas [21:10 - 21:19]: Yeah. So I do have a question for you, having watched them all, and this may be really hard for you to answer without spoiling things. 

Alex [21:19 - 21:21]: All right, I will do it very tactfully. 

Dallas [21:22 - 21:48]: He is. He is now confronting her, talking to her, using her as bait, and she is wearing, you know, the vault outfit. And that is heavily his character in pre war. Like, does that come up? Or, like, does he ever address in the now, like, yeah, he was involved in that. 

Alex [21:49 - 22:11]: Without getting too deep into the spoilers, there are two or three lines that he says, or two or three things that she says that trigger him where he goes, oh, I caught this. Oh, I know more. He's letting on that he knows more than she does. 

Dallas [22:12 - 22:12]: Right. 

Alex [22:13 - 22:23]: So there are some things. Yes. That do come up, but you, as a first time viewer, do not catch them. 

Dallas [22:24 - 22:26]: No kidding. Yes. 

Alex [22:26 - 22:51]: So Ally and I on re watch went, oh, that's why that mattered to him. Oh, this is why this caught his ear or something, like blasting the vault boy face off the billboard. It's just he is letting her know I don't think too highly of vaults, and I know more than you. 

Dallas [22:51 - 23:15]: Right. Gotcha. Well, it's good to know because I I did find that interesting. Like, he is staring in the face, and they made it very clear, like, he got the suit. This is yours. Vault tec, your colors. Now I'm looking at a girl who is wearing my colors and, like, very beginning of the things I. 

Alex [23:15 - 23:19]: He knows that the. The suits are for everyone. 

Dallas [23:19 - 23:19]: Right? 

Alex [23:19 - 23:23]: Like, he knows it's. It's advertising and everyone will wear these. 

Dallas [23:24 - 23:30]: But he was the face of advertising to hook everyone into these vaults and all the horrible things thereafter. 

Alex [23:30 - 23:36]: I I can't tell you more because it will spoil. It will spoil future episodes. 

Dallas [23:37 - 23:37]: Yeah. 

Alex [23:38 - 23:57]: And then. And that's, I think, fun for me is like, oh, just wait. It gets explored. And that's why also, it's like, it's still a nine of a grade in my book because I'm like, it's a nine. Because it's a nine of an episode. But that says in a vacuum when you put it in the full scope. 

Dallas [23:57 - 24:00]: Of the series, even higher. It's. 

Alex [24:00 - 24:01]: It's stronger. 

Dallas [24:01 - 24:01]: Yeah. 

Alex [24:01 - 24:10]: So I really like a lot of watching the expanded lore of the world. 

Dallas [24:10 - 24:11]: Oh, yeah. Explored here. 

Alex [24:11 - 24:21]: The idea that he has these vials, which we have yet to really figure out what the vials are that keep him from turning feral. 

Dallas [24:21 - 24:22]: Right. 

Alex [24:23 - 24:30]: So I don't know if they're ever going to explain what it is, but we just know, like, hey, these vials are keeping. Keeping him from turning. 

Dallas [24:31 - 24:38]: Yeah, this is now the gulper. Casual dragon. Yeah, this is like, he. Because there's a part where, like, he's struggling. 

Alex [24:38 - 24:38]: Right. 

Dallas [24:38 - 24:43]: And then he uses it. Kind of stops coughing and having a fit. 

Alex [24:43 - 24:44]: Right. 

Dallas [24:44 - 24:51]: Yeah. So it's not just. He's like, I'm coping with being alive for 200 years. I love drugs. It's. I need these drugs. 

Alex [24:52 - 24:52]: Right. 

Dallas [24:52 - 24:53]: Be alive. 

Alex [24:53 - 25:22]: Right. So now it's. It's nice to see, like, all right, you. You realize that now that we have. Have hurt my. My chances of survival. Now we've got a fetch quest on our hands here. There's a incredible, incredible line on their way out. Like, okay, you threw my satchel at the Gulper. I need these vials. 

Dallas [25:22 - 25:24]: And we gotta. 

Alex [25:24 - 25:29]: We gotta go take care of this. Lucy is not too happy about it. What about the head? 

Dallas [25:29 - 25:30]: I need the head to get my dad back. 

Alex [25:30 - 25:33]: Yeah, well, the wasteland's got its own golden receipt. Oh, what's that? 

Dallas [25:34 - 25:36]: Thou shalt get sidetracked by bull. 

Alex [25:38 - 25:41]: Lo and behold, they are now sidetracked. 

Dallas [25:41 - 25:44]: Yep. And I love it. Just like the game. 

Alex [25:45 - 25:47]: Yeah, just like the game. 

Dallas [25:47 - 25:57]: I am enjoying the winkin nods. Like, it's not. Like, this is not. This is not a game. This is a real world. No, they know where they came from, and that's okay. 

Alex [25:57 - 26:00]: Right, right. So that's a fun one. 

Dallas [26:00 - 26:25]: Yeah. I also like in fallout. I don't know if this is how everybody is. Like, I'm terrified of water in fallout just because it's irradiated. So, like, you don't touch water because it causes problems. Not just the creatures in the water, just the water itself. So the fact that, like, he keeps dunking her. Oh, no. Her rads are going here every time. 

Alex [26:25 - 26:30]: You can hear her Geiger counter just going berserk. 

Dallas [26:30 - 26:31]: Yeah. 

Alex [26:31 - 26:32]: So, you know, she's struggling. 

Dallas [26:32 - 26:43]: Like, just her being trussed up by the water. I was like, oh, like, good being in the water, let alone whatever else is in there that's about to pop out. Right. In a pure fallout fashion. 

Alex [26:44 - 27:14]: This is where I can't wait to talk about Maximus and Thaddeus, or should I say knight Titus with very heavy air quotes. Yeah, because Maximus did the classic, like, can't hear you. Oh, well, we're gonna. We're gonna send you reinforcements. And it's like, please don't. Please don't. I just want. I really want to find this head and come back and get lots of adoration. 

Dallas [27:15 - 27:16]: Right? Yeah. 

Alex [27:16 - 27:27]: And instead, your school ground bully gets dropped in but doesn't know it's you and has to, like, grovel at your feet. 

Dallas [27:27 - 27:34]: Yeah. And he puts him through the same root ritual that he got put through yep. 

Alex [27:34 - 27:36]: Clean my codpiece. 

Dallas [27:36 - 27:52]: Yeah. Because at first, I was like, he's gonna be different, because he was like, I was treated horrible, so I'm not gonna do that. But this is not the same person. Like, he's not dealing with pure dude. This is the dude that kicked the crap out of him. So. 

Alex [27:52 - 28:40]: But there is one very particular scene. So Thaddeus pulls out this radiation abomination detector, and he's like, you let the ghoul get away. How? And he's like, oh, that's a great idea, sir. And meanwhile, Maximus has no clue what he's doing. So just him being silent, because he's like, oh, crap, he's gonna the enemy. And instead, that's viewed as anger or resentment, right? And so Thaddeus is like, oh, well, let's just use this radiation detector to find the abominations, and then that leads them straight to the gulper. But this is where I think you see the difference between him and the actual knight, Titus. 

Dallas [28:40 - 28:41]: Oh, yeah. Yeah. 

Alex [28:41 - 28:54]: He's like, sir, do you want me to go in there and. And take care of it? Cause it's my fault. And he's like, nope. Get behind me. Get back on the shore. I'm in the armor. I'll take it on. I respect that a lot right there. 

Dallas [28:54 - 29:32]: I think he needed to get it out of his system of, like, oh, I'm in charge. And. And he, like, this is his bully. It's not like this is just some groveling squire, right? He got that out of his system. And then the. The bully also kind of got to say, like, I got the crap kicked out of me like, this got the heat. Like, you just have to survive. So I think he is coming to terms. I don't know. I'm on episode three. But, like, I feel like, you know, like, you see his goodness, his humanity shines through. Like, it's winning out battle of, like, I could be a turd, and they don't know who I am, right? So I could really let the power go to my head. But instead, he pulls a monster inside out, right? 

Alex [29:32 - 29:58]: So what I enjoyed is coming to the realization of where I knew Thaddeus from, and I was sitting here this whole time, and I'm like, why is he so familiar to me? Like, he's just got such a. Johnny Pemberton. The actor is just so. I was like, how do I know him? And I remember that ally and I, several years ago, had watched Superstore, the first season of that tv show. 

Dallas [29:58 - 29:59]: Oh, yeah, yeah. 

Alex [30:00 - 30:13]: And he plays bo okay. If you like what you heard and saw, I'm currently seeking representation in all areas. Also, I do modeling, so I'm just throwing that out there. All right. Peace out, St. Louis. 

Dallas [30:14 - 30:15]: Yeah. 

Alex [30:15 - 30:38]: Who is this twerp with, like, who always wears a chain over a polo yo yo the whole time? And when I told Ally that, I was just scrolling through IMDb and I'm like, how do I know him? And I didn't recognize anything. And then I finally saw that I was, and it all clicked for me, and I just did a face palm of like, oh, it's him. This makes so much sense now. 

Dallas [30:39 - 30:39]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [30:39 - 30:41]: Why I can't place him. 

Dallas [30:41 - 30:42]: It was great. 

Alex [30:44 - 30:49]: I really enjoyed, though, that he saves his. His squire. They bond. 

Dallas [30:50 - 30:50]: Yeah. 

Alex [30:50 - 30:54]: It's a nice moment of, I can be better than the last guy. 

Dallas [30:55 - 30:55]: Yeah. 

Alex [30:55 - 30:56]: Love that. 

Dallas [30:56 - 31:11]: And I'm sure, like, because, like, they're bonding. But there's going to come a time where the helmet comes off. It's going to be a what? And there's going to have to be another decision made. And so whether or not that sealed, you can't. 

Alex [31:11 - 31:14]: You can't force it out of me. I mean, yeah, you could probably force it out of me. 

Dallas [31:14 - 31:26]: But now I also like that they made good on whenever he was first in the suit, and he grabs the guy by the head and you're like, is he gonna crush him? And he doesn't. And then he does. 

Alex [31:26 - 31:33]: Right? Yeah. That scene, Ally and I went, oh. 

Dallas [31:33 - 31:38]: Yeah, it was gonna happen. I was like, oh, here goes. We tried this. 

Alex [31:38 - 31:39]: I mean, they're trying to kill you. 

Dallas [31:39 - 31:41]: Yeah, it's. 

Alex [31:41 - 31:44]: This is the kill or be killed. 

Dallas [31:44 - 31:44]: Yeah. 

Alex [31:44 - 31:46]: It just happens. 

Dallas [31:46 - 32:05]: That's like the through line. I feel like with this whole episode is like, you got to do whatever you can to survive at every turn. It's. You got. Sometimes you got to smash a head with your hand, or you got to dip a lady in the lake, or you got to, you know, make a dude polish your cod piece, whatever it is. You got to do what you got to do to survive. 

Alex [32:06 - 32:27]: So we've touched on the ghoul slash Cooper. We have touched on Lucy briefly. We've touched on Maximus and Thaddeus. I think the unofficial fourth leading character of the show, who continues to get more and more presence on screen and more important roles, is Norm. Her brother. 

Dallas [32:28 - 32:28]: Yeah. 

Alex [32:28 - 32:35]: Because he is, as he is referred to in the episodes. He's a smart boy. 

Dallas [32:35 - 32:36]: Yeah. 

Alex [32:36 - 32:41]: And smart boys tend to poke their noses around where they shouldn't. 

Dallas [32:42 - 32:47]: Yup. He's. I like that he is figuring things out from inside. 

Alex [32:47 - 32:47]: Right. 

Dallas [32:47 - 32:56]: World is a closed system, but he is putting pieces together now that he's seen the cracks in the mirror. And it is really cool. 

Alex [32:56 - 33:01]: One thing that I. Again, we're getting to that moral ethical dilemma. 

Dallas [33:01 - 33:01]: Yeah. 

Alex [33:02 - 33:06]: Where, hey, we had these people attack you. What do you do with them? 

Dallas [33:06 - 33:06]: Right? 

Alex [33:06 - 33:10]: Oh, well, let's rehabilitate them. I'll teach them Shakespeare. 

Dallas [33:10 - 33:11]: Like, yeah. What? 

Alex [33:11 - 33:29]: What, you guys. I mean, and again, it is fun to see the little power struggle back and forth between a bunch of people. Button heads on. All right, there's a power vacuum now that overseer McClain has been taken, who's gonna lead the next generation? 

Dallas [33:29 - 33:30]: Yeah. 

Alex [33:30 - 33:54]: And now we're both standing at the podium fighting over who gets to say the next line. It reminds me, I talk about this all the time, so I get to infect your brain with it. It reminds me of the last closing minute of. It's 05:00 somewhere. Oh, yeah, the country song. Yeah, but at the very end, it's like they're both jockeying to get the last line in his song. What time's on? Am I on? 

Dallas [33:54 - 33:56]: It doesn't matter. It's 05:00 somewhere. 

Alex [33:56 - 33:59]: It's always on five in the morning. Margaritaville, come to think of it. 

Dallas [33:59 - 33:59]: I heard that. 

Alex [33:59 - 34:02]: You've been there, haven't you? Yes, sir. I've seen your boat there. 

Dallas [34:02 - 34:05]: I've been to Margaritaville a few times. All right, well, that's good. 

Alex [34:05 - 34:06]: Stumble my way back. 

Dallas [34:06 - 34:07]: Okay, well, we just want to make. 

Alex [34:07 - 34:10]: Sure you can keep it between the navigational beacons, look into buoys. 

Dallas [34:10 - 34:11]: I got it. 

Alex [34:11 - 34:13]: Well, it's 05:00. Let's go somewhere. 

Dallas [34:13 - 34:14]: I'm ready. Crank it up. 

Alex [34:14 - 34:15]: Oh, my God. 

Dallas [34:15 - 34:17]: Who the hell cares? 

Alex [34:17 - 34:19]: It's like, no, no, no. You're a feature on my song. 

Dallas [34:20 - 34:20]: No. 

Alex [34:20 - 34:31]: Well, I'm Jimmy Buff, and it's kind of like watching the two guys go head to head over. Well, who's going to be the next overseer? Well, I've got an idea. 

Dallas [34:31 - 34:32]: It's. It's. 

Alex [34:32 - 34:47]: But also, I have an idea. And you're like, yeah, all right. Meanwhile, Betty's sitting over there. You guys are both idiots. Yeah, how about some real ideas? And Norm in the back goes, I hate all of you, and you're all dumb. We should kill them all. 

Dallas [34:49 - 35:31]: That doesn't sell well, but the fabric is unraveling fast in their utopian world, which, you know, like we talked about. Like, is, how is this fault completely unfazed up to this point? Like, vaults are trauma filled experiment machines. And their world very much seems untouched, untainted. And this intrusion has caused chaos because they don't know how to cope. Anything. Everything is perfect in their world, right? And for 200 years, I'm assuming, has always been this way, has always been this perfect utopia of a little vault. 

Alex [35:31 - 35:33]: They don't know any different or any better. 

Dallas [35:34 - 35:34]: I love. 

Alex [35:34 - 35:46]: There is one Easter egg during that big community meeting where the repairman walks in. He's like, hmm, I've got some, some extra news to share with you all. 

Dallas [35:46 - 35:46]: Yeah. 

Alex [35:47 - 35:59]: And they're like, well, well, just tell us now. Well, it's kind of a closed door thing. No, you can, you can tell us. Oh, the water chip's broken. Which is the compelling event for all. 

Dallas [35:59 - 36:01]: Of fallout to exist. 

Alex [36:01 - 36:12]: Literally. Fallout one. That is the reason you exit the vault, is to get a new water chip. I loved that. And I looked over at Allie and had to explain. Cause she didn't know. 

Dallas [36:12 - 36:13]: Yeah. 

Alex [36:13 - 36:17]: And I said, that's the reason fallout one, right, is a game. 

Dallas [36:17 - 36:17]: Yeah. 

Alex [36:17 - 36:19]: So it was a great little moment there. 

Dallas [36:19 - 36:23]: A big deal, because we wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for that one. 

Alex [36:24 - 36:29]: It's not always sunshine and rainbows, and we're going to have to find a way to get through this as a community. 

Dallas [36:30 - 36:49]: So what do we do? I love it. So the, where they keep the raiders. First off, I didn't know that they had captured so many, that many raiders, because at first I was like, oh, they have like an asylum kind of thing in here, or they have a prison. So I was like, this is where we're going to find out the weird stick of this one. 

Alex [36:50 - 36:51]: I was like, oh, how did you. 

Dallas [36:51 - 36:59]: Guys capture so many, house them all in here? So, I don't know, did they just keep shooting them with the little tranquil? 

Alex [37:00 - 37:05]: Yeah, yeah. Just tranked them. And it's one of those. 

Dallas [37:06 - 37:07]: They actually. 

Alex [37:08 - 37:14]: Obviously these prisoners are going to play a bigger role coming up. 

Dallas [37:14 - 37:15]: Duh. 

Alex [37:15 - 37:27]: I'm not spoiling anything there, but okay, what do you do with almost 20 people that hate your guts and you don't even know why they hate your guts? 

Dallas [37:27 - 37:38]: And the maintenance guy brings that up. Like, we can survive this long, but also, we're taking care of these guys right now. Like, here's a. Another compelling argument as to. 

Alex [37:38 - 37:38]: Right. 

Dallas [37:38 - 37:41]: We might need to get rid of these folks. Yeah. 

Alex [37:42 - 37:46]: They're between a rock and a hard place there, because this is like their. 

Dallas [37:46 - 37:52]: First taste of, like, you got to do what you got to do to survive the wasteland. Like, now we got to make a decision. 

Alex [37:53 - 37:57]: I think it is one of the stronger episodes. 

Dallas [37:57 - 37:57]: Yeah. 

Alex [37:58 - 38:03]: Of. And of the first three, it's the best of the first three, right? 

Dallas [38:03 - 38:04]: 1000%. 

Alex [38:05 - 38:27]: Again, you're having to set the world in motion. And now this is that. We put all the dominoes up. We pushed the first domino in the second episode. This is the next domino. And it's hitting a few more on the way, and it's building momentum. I stick by my nine. 

Dallas [38:27 - 38:28]: Oh, yeah. 

Alex [38:29 - 38:40]: Within the vacuum of just this episode alone, which is strange, because I looked at reviews and more people are leaning towards lower than me, and I go, what? 

Dallas [38:41 - 38:52]: Right? Yeah. The only two things that I even had a little issue with was the weird abomination finder. It did feel a little Macguffiny. Like, here's the magic way we're gonna. 

Alex [38:52 - 39:00]: Do the rest of this fun story. The creator misses fallout. Great account. You should give her a follow. 

Dallas [39:01 - 39:01]: Okay. 

Alex [39:01 - 39:06]: She actually pointed out that that is a real radiation detector. 

Dallas [39:06 - 39:07]: No kidding. 

Alex [39:07 - 39:09]: Yes. From the fifties. 

Dallas [39:09 - 39:10]: Wow. 

Alex [39:10 - 39:12]: So that is an actual tool. 

Dallas [39:12 - 39:18]: So the one thing I had a problem with is the one, like, real thing that they have. 

Alex [39:18 - 39:29]: I mean, would the brotherhood have repurposed it to only find wildly irradiated beings? Maybe. Does it work like a. Find an exact location? 

Dallas [39:29 - 39:31]: Probably not from miles away. 

Alex [39:31 - 39:40]: Yeah, probably not. But is it a real tool that actually was used to find. I believe it was used for uranium mining. 

Dallas [39:40 - 39:42]: Okay, so it's, like, hyper directional. 

Alex [39:42 - 39:46]: It's a real tool. So it's kind of funny that that was the one thing. 

Dallas [39:46 - 39:48]: Yeah, I know. And the second one was like, does. 

Alex [39:48 - 39:51]: That bump it from an eight two to an eight five. 

Dallas [39:53 - 39:53]: Perhaps? 

Alex [39:53 - 39:55]: Okay, okay, okay. 

Dallas [39:55 - 40:02]: Also, like, when she pulls the thing out of the dude's neck, and then instead of, like, putting it in a pocket, sticks it in his nose. 

Alex [40:02 - 40:04]: So I was like, what pocket are you gonna put that in? 

Dallas [40:04 - 40:05]: I don't know. 

Alex [40:05 - 40:06]: She has a backpack. It's a head. 

Dallas [40:06 - 40:11]: No, like, doesn't she take the piece out or. No, she sticks a tracker in his nose. 

Alex [40:11 - 40:22]: She takes the tracker out and then puts that up the. Up the nose. And I think that's great. But I was like, what pocket are you talking about? Like, oh, you know, your head pocket. 

Dallas [40:22 - 40:24]: Yeah, your head pocket. You don't have one of those? 

Alex [40:24 - 40:34]: Guess that's what we're calling mouths now. Is that what the cool kids are calling it these days? Yeah, man, I. I put some chow in my mouth, in my head pocket. 

Dallas [40:35 - 40:41]: So when they inside out the gulper. Yes. And they. They get the head? 

Alex [40:42 - 40:42]: Yes. 

Dallas [40:42 - 40:47]: Right. Do they also get the meds? I can't remember. 

Alex [40:47 - 40:49]: The meds were crushed by. 

Dallas [40:50 - 40:52]: Oh, yeah, that's right. They were smashed. They didn't get eaten. 

Alex [40:52 - 41:04]: Yes, and I do want to. I'm gonna not really lead the witness here, but I'm gonna ask you a question. If you caught what the inside. So the gulper is modeled to look like an axolotl, right? 

Dallas [41:04 - 41:05]: Yeah. 

Alex [41:05 - 41:11]: Which has very frilly gills. But did you see what the inside of the gulper's mouth is? 

Dallas [41:12 - 41:13]: Fingers. Was those fingers? 

Alex [41:13 - 41:15]: Yeah, fingers. Yeah. 

Dallas [41:15 - 41:34]: So I'd assume that this was because, like, every fallout monster is like a mutated derivation of something. So I assume this was just mutated axolotls, but this got human in it. So is it just a. Do we find out? Like. 

Alex [41:34 - 41:44]: I don't know. Do we find out? Do we? Do we find out? My lips are still sealed, but they are talking somehow. I'm the world's greatest ventral. 

Dallas [41:44 - 41:47]: The fingers in there. The human fingers in your mouth. 

Alex [41:47 - 41:51]: Jeff Dunham, live in Alex's office right now. 

Dallas [41:53 - 42:00]: I thought for sure that when Maximus was pulling his squire out of its mouth, that he was going to rip that squire in half. 

Alex [42:00 - 42:07]: I was really concerned about that, too. But then when you realize it's a whole bunch of just fingers holding your body. 

Dallas [42:07 - 42:08]: Right. Yeah. 

Alex [42:08 - 42:11]: Makes sense. Like, is it fingers all the way down? 

Dallas [42:12 - 42:17]: It kind of was because he pulled it inside out and it. Fingers. As far as we could see. 

Alex [42:18 - 42:29]: Which of the. All the ways you could digest large game. I don't think fingers would be evolution's form of choice there. 

Dallas [42:29 - 42:36]: No. Yeah, yeah. We haven't found sharks. We're like, just fingers in there. That's the way. That's how that went down. 

Alex [42:36 - 42:47]: I'm Richard Attenborough. And David Attenborough. I'm David Attenborough. And here we find the Gulper and its natural, unnatural habitat. 

Dallas [42:47 - 42:51]: I would love a fallout nature documentary. 

Alex [42:51 - 42:55]: Yeah, sponsored by GNN as opposed to BBC. 

Dallas [42:55 - 42:56]: Exactly. 

Alex [42:57 - 43:00]: What would they call it instead of planet Earth? 

Dallas [43:00 - 43:02]: I don't know. Scorched Earth. 

Alex [43:02 - 43:09]: Okay, so where we're heading, obviously, the ghoul has to find a way to solve his problem. 

Dallas [43:09 - 43:10]: Yes. 

Alex [43:10 - 43:17]: Lucy needs to track down the head. We have Maximus and Thaddeus with said head. 

Dallas [43:17 - 43:19]: Yeah. It is no longer a monster hunt. 

Alex [43:19 - 43:26]: And we have norm kind of trying to explore, like he knows something's up. 

Dallas [43:26 - 43:26]: Yeah. 

Alex [43:27 - 43:32]: But doesn't know what yet. So there are some big pieces in motion. It's just getting even better. 

Dallas [43:32 - 43:33]: How. 

Alex [43:33 - 43:41]: How are you feeling at this point? About a third of the way through. Predict predictions for the rest of the season. I want to hear your predictions that. 

Dallas [43:41 - 43:53]: Predictions. Yeah. I think we see the vault fall apart and we find the big reveal from the inside or trails out. Out of the vault. 

Alex [43:53 - 43:54]: Okay. 

Dallas [43:54 - 43:56]: Like, we find the experiments. 

Alex [43:56 - 43:59]: Minor prediction on what you think the experiment is. 

Dallas [43:59 - 44:07]: I'm curious that. I don't know because, like, there's a hint of, like, mixing the vault, the vaults. That. 

Alex [44:07 - 44:10]: That is a. Yeah, that is a hint. 

Dallas [44:10 - 44:47]: So I'm assuming that there is some sort of that that plays into the experiment somehow. Okay. These vaults are connected because that is not something that any of the other vaults that we've ever seen does. Why they're connected, what that experiment is, I don't know. It isn't. I'm assuming it's not just to remedy inbreeding because that's not what they do in the other vaults. They are just really cool with it, I guess. I don't know. But. So I'm not sure what the experiment is per se. I just know that it involves the other vaults. I'm sure. 

Alex [44:47 - 44:58]: Okay, so that's your prediction on. On Norm and Chet and Steph and. And friends. We'll just stick with them. Okay. Predictions on the ghoul and Lucy. 

Dallas [44:58 - 45:24]: The ghoul and Lucy. I think that it's one of those. He helps her learn how to survive, toughen up, and she helps soften his leathery heart or whatever they have inside. I think he gets more of his humanity restored, and I think she becomes more of a hardened, worldlier wastelander. Less of a vault dweller. Yeah. 

Alex [45:24 - 45:36]: I mean, she's sitting over here preaching the golden rule to him, and he's like, no, not worried about it. Gonna do what I gotta do. I think you're on the right track there. Not really a spoiler in that regard. 

Dallas [45:36 - 45:41]: Oh, yeah. Like that. That's very much the, like shtick. I think that's what is going on there. Yeah. 

Alex [45:41 - 45:44]: And then finally, Maximus and Thaddeus. 

Dallas [45:44 - 46:06]: This one is tough because, like, he's got to get that mask off at some point. And either that is going to vilify him and have all of the brotherhood come after him, or he's going to have bonded enough with this guy that's like, yeah, I'm in on the secret. We'll find the head and, like, you know, like, they'll bring you back into the fold because you have. Or he's going to kill him. I don't know. 

Alex [46:08 - 46:19]: Good thinking. I can't wait to explore how it continues to unfold. It's fun for me on rewatch because then I catch the things that I. 

Dallas [46:19 - 46:32]: Already know right now. I do like, it wasn't just like, oh, I broke my radio. They're just going to kind of let me go. Like they're adamant on you're an asset and we're always, yeah. 

Alex [46:32 - 46:39]: You are a member of the Brotherhood. We are going to take care of our own. We'll send you a new squire. 

Dallas [46:39 - 46:40]: Yeah. 

Alex [46:40 - 46:47]: What are you going to do when you get back and take off the armor and you realize that you are the squire. 

Dallas [46:47 - 46:48]: Yeah. 

Alex [46:48 - 46:57]: Now with full discussion, sticking with the eight two or do you think it has merited higher 8383 now that I. 

Dallas [46:57 - 47:03]: Have learned more about real Geiger counter technology that I didn't know was that. 

Alex [47:03 - 47:14]: Point one was really what was, you know, Amazon wasn't sure if they were going to renew for the second season. They were like, well, hold on, we got to find out what Dallas thinks about the abomination detector. 

Dallas [47:14 - 47:15]: Oh, okay. 

Alex [47:15 - 47:23]: Well, you gave it, you gave it an extra point one. We can renew it now. I'll call John. I'll call Jonah. And that was secret. 

Dallas [47:23 - 47:30]: Threshold was 8.2. It's got to get over that. Oh, eight three. There we go. Let's go. 

Alex [47:30 - 47:32]: Well, perfect. 8283. 

Dallas [47:33 - 47:33]: Sorry. 

Alex [47:33 - 47:39]: Eight three for you. I'm sticking with a nine. Even here for me. 

Dallas [47:39 - 47:40]: I got you. 

Alex [47:40 - 49:09]: And I'm looking forward to unpacking the rest. If you have liked what we are doing here tonight, highly, highly suggest you stick around for the rest of our show. Big Red button is an actual play audio drama, meaning that we are dramatizing a tabletop role playing game of fallout with our own characters existing in the wasteland of Michigan. That is our normal week. So if this was your first time here, would love for you guys to swing by again when we do our next main story episode. And if you're a longtime fan of Big Red button, we are a production of the Grapefruit network. We have two other sister shows. One is a doctor and a lawyer walk into a bar, which is our pop culture chat show where the four of us gather to talk about all of our nerd fandoms, play bar games, and finish out with table topics that are submitted by listeners like you. And we also have Williams new show Potter plus, which is breaking down the, the upcoming HBO Harry Potter show and the surrounding lore. So if you're a fan of either of those franchises or concepts, we'd love for you guys to check us And if you want to hear more about us, check out Bigredbutton show. So from all of us at the Grapefruit network, thanks for swinging by. I am Alex. 

Dallas [49:09 - 49:11]: And I am Dallas. 

Alex [49:11 - 49:12]: We will see you all soon. 

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